Community June 29, 2022

Summer Celebration Comes Back to Mercer Island July 9, 2022

After a 4-year hiatus, Mercer Island’s “Summer Celebration” festival is making a comeback on Saturday, July 9!! Check out local booths, food trucks, and bands around Mercerdale Park, then head over to Luther Burbank Park in the evening for more nibbles, music and a fireworks show. We’re so proud to sponsor the live entertainment again this year, and hope you’ll drop by to see us at our booth. Bring the kids for our coloring contest, too!


Mercerdale Park

Mercerdale Playground Grand Opening
Mercerdale Park 11am
Festival Booths 77th Ave SE 11am – 4pm
“Touch-a-Truck” Kids Event
77th Ave SE 11am – 4pm
Food Trucks SE 32nd St 11am – 4pm
Windermere Stage
12 – 2pm
Bubble Man
Mercerdale Park
1 – 2pm
Steffan Soule “Magic of Reading” Windermere Stage
2:15 – 3pm
Puget Sound Band Windermere Stage
3:15 – 4pm


Luther Burbank Park

Food Trucks
6 – 10pm
Brian Ledbetter, Family Magician
6:30 – 7:15pm
The Olson Bros. Band 8-10pm
(approx.) 10:05pm


Shuttles to Luther Burbank Park: 5:30pm – 7:30pm from the following locations:


Festival Locations:

Mercerdale Park (Main Festival) 3009 77th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040

Luther Burbank Park (Fireworks) 2040 84th Ave. SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040


More from the Mercer Island city website:

Click here to download the full schedule of events!



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2737 77th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040 | (206) 232-0446

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